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Tag: defense

Police Find Alligators Guarding Marijuana Grow Operation


November 29, 2012


Alligators, marijuana, strippers, oh my! Police responding to a shooting near Olympia, Washington found a bizarre scene.

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Marijuana Law Consultation With San Antonio, Texas Attorney


July 13, 2012


Attorney and potential client discuss the marijuana law. The most important information disclosed in this humorous attorney consultation is the true San Antonio possession of marijuana law which state that a person is only guilty of possessing marijuana if the

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Gun Rights, Gay Marriage, & Legalized Marijuana


May 14, 2012


I seldom get into political topics on my channel since it is a gun channel and not a political channel, but I get these two questions quite often. Yesterday someone posed them together in a way that related to gun rights so I thought I would finally address th

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Eric Alan Berg and Associates as a Redding/Chico, CA Criminal Defense Attorney


April 18, 2012


Eric Alan Berg and Associates are attorneys with offices in Chico and Redding California specializing in criminal defense, family law, medical marijuana, DUI, divorce, juvenile law and personal injury lawyers.

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Eric Alan Berg and Associates video as Family Law Attorneys in Redding and Chico, California


April 18, 2012


Family Law attorney, Eric Alan Berg and Associates for compassionate lawyers with family law cases. Eric Berg specializes as a criminal defense attorney along with divorce, dui, medical marijuana and personal injury law for over 20 years

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Breaking News – Daily Kos – Dear Conservatives, Taste The F*cking Rainbow


March 27, 2012


Dear Conservatives, taste the f*cking rainbow Medical Marijuana Deliveryman Robbed By Baton-Wielding Ninjas In West Covina

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Mitt Romney would have terminally ill patients who use medical marijuana arrested


January 13, 2012


The fact that he is not in favour implies he is against the lawful use for medical patients therefore potentially leading to their arrest and imprisonment. Clayton Holton of Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana asks Gov. Mitt Romney if he will have seriously

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Redondo Beach Criminal Defense Lawyers defend against Marijuana Possession Charges


June 26, 2011


Here’s an Example of many different types of videos MVP can put together for your Business..

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Marijuana Grow Tube