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Fat Outdoor Medical Marijuana Plants


June 9, 2012


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Medical Marijuana Plants II


September 17, 2011


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Medical Marijuana Plants III


September 17, 2011


These are the same Medical Marijuana Plants a couple weeks later. At the same Medical Marijuana grow that is legal under California legislature and operates under the bylaws of Proposition 215 and 420 meaning they grow under 6 mature adult and 6 immature plant

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Medical marijuana. THC Crystals on this strain cloudy; ready for harvest.


March 5, 2011


Crystals on this strain have turned cloudy. Medical marijuana; ready for harvest.R Legal indoor grow room for medical marijuana. Oakland, California. In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, which legalized medical cannabis. The Oakland Cannabis Buye

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RIPE BUDS: Legal indoor grow room for medical marijuana. Oakland, California.


February 27, 2011


RIPE BUDS: Legal indoor grow room for medical marijuana. Oakland, California. In 1996, California voters passed Proposition 215, which legalized medical cannabis. The Oakland Cannabis Buyers’ Cooperative, was created to “provide seriously ill patie

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Los Angeles City Council Discusses Medical Marijuana Ordinance January 21, 2011


February 7, 2011


Meeting of the Los Angeles City Council on January 21, 2011, Medical Marijuana Ordinance. Complete coverage of Agenda Item #3. Courtesy of

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Marijuana Grow Tube