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Tag: care

Former Drug Czar doesn’t care if you grow marijuana!

May 13, 2015


Former Drug Czar doesn’t care if you grow marijuana!

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Miley Cyrus Smoked Real Marijuana at European MTV Awards


November 17, 2013


Miley Cyrus reportedly smoked real marijuana at the European MTV Awards without getting approval from anyone at the show or on her team.

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Veterans Administration LIES!!! Takes prescription meds away from medical marijuana patient


August 2, 2012


Navy Veteran Troy Shanks was denied his long time pain management medications for being a LEGAL medical marijuana patient. Robin Jackson from the VA LIES and says veterans can still get health care however Troy was still denied after this news story came out

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Growing Medical Marijuana / week 4 day 27 / 2 patient grow room


July 15, 2012


Taking a look at the update of a 2 patient grow room. This is week 4 day 27 of the flowering cycle and as you can see the plants have some good growth as they start to mature and fill in.

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Medical Marijuana Initiative: Vote YES on Question 3


July 13, 2012


The ACLU of Massachusetts has been working with patients, doctors, nurses, and law enforcement in the development of a medical marijuana initiative that will be presented to the voters of Massachusetts on election day, November 6, 2012, as Question 3 on the Ma

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Legalization of Marijuana and Other Drugs ( Preview Clips )


May 31, 2012


The original projected release date was set for June 1st. We didn’t want to leave you empty eyed so we through this video together for you. Sorry for the delay. Estimated length of the video was ~ 30 Minutes, actual video is ~ 60 Minutes. Due to this and

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Photos of my Salvia Divinorum Plant – BUY IT


May 16, 2012


Development of my plant from 23.03.2012 to 29.04.2013 Questa serie di fotografie mostra lo sviluppo della mia pianta di Salvia Divinorum a partire dal 23.03.2012 ( 1° foto) fino al 29.04.2012 (ultima foto) ***** Chi fosse interessato ad una pianta come questa

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Hempshopper Hemp Shop Amsterdam SGTV


April 9, 2012


The Hempshopper hemp and cannabis stores are located in the heart of the city and offer the widest range of hemp based products found almost anywhere. From hemp cookies to handbags and everything in between, there is always something interesting to purchase fo

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Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Law Confusion…


March 6, 2012


This video was not created by UPCareGivers, it’s a news feature on Michigan Medical Marijuana – My TV20 Detroit News.

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Marijuana is Medicine – Patient Care Association


February 8, 2012


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Marijuana Grow Tube