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Tag: az

Is Today’s Marijuana More Potent? Arizona Medical Marijuana Certifications Explains


July 31, 2012


Is the Marijuana of today more potent than decades ago? Or is that a myth? Arizona Medical Marijuana Certifications explains the myth, the research, and the reality. For more information on obtaining an Arizona Medical Marijuana ID Card, call Toll Free (855) 2

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Marijuana Decriminalization Is Gaining Momentum in the US and Latin America


July 7, 2012


There is a growing momentum in the US and now Latin America to decriminalize marijuana. This helps divert police and judicial resources to harder crimes where they are truly needed. It also helps look at marijuana possession as a health concern rather than a c

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Does Marijuana Legalization Increase Teen Drug Use? From Arizona MMC (855) 294-3227


July 7, 2012


Naysayers of medical marijuana legalization say it increases teen drug use. Well, a new study out of 3 states says otherwise, and other studies are coming out showing it benefits other public health issues as well. Hear Arizona MMC explain. If you live in AZ a

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Do Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Increase Crime? From Arizona MMC (855) 294-3227


July 7, 2012

467 Adversaries of medical marijuana dispensaries say they bring crime to the neighborhood? Is it true? Hear Arizona MMC describe the latest research on crime in these neighborhoods where dispensaries exist. If you need an Arizona Medical M

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Medical Marijuana Tucson, Tucson Medical Marijuana Card, Medical Marijuana Card Tucson


May 27, 2012


Get LEGAL Arizona! Medical Marijuana Cards Issued in Tucson & Southern Arizona SAME DAY! Medical Doctor on Staff & Arizona Health Department application processing SAME DAY! Premium Product. Edibles. Portable Vaporizers & more! Like us on Facebo

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Marijuana and Cancer


March 26, 2011


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Marijuana Grow Tube