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Tag: assembly

YNN Capital Tonight:DPA’s Gabriel Sayegh on Marijuana Laws


June 21, 2012


The proposal to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana seems to have hit a roadblock in the Senate. That’s a disappointment to the Drug Policy Alliance, which was one of the groups hoping it would reduce stop and frisk arrests in New York City. DPAR

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300 Medical Marijuana Advocates Lobby The Ca Legislature


May 31, 2012


May 21 2012 – 300 marijuana advocates rallied on the steps of the Capitol in California and met with each of the 120 legislative offices to lobby for the passage of AB2312 and SB1182. Among the hundreds of rally-goers were Assemblyman Tom Ammiano, United

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Marijuana Decriminalization


May 22, 2011


A bill up for review would relax the penalties for marijuana possession.

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Marijuana Grow Tube