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Waiting to Inhale – Marijuana, Medicine and the Law (Full)


December 30, 2011


Waiting to Inhale examines the heated debate over marijuana and its use as medicine in the United States. Twelve states have passed legislation to protect patients who use medical marijuana. Yet opponents claim the medical argument is just a smokescreen for a

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Tahoe OG Kush


December 26, 2011


You can now watch in 1080p! I bought this weed from my personal dealer, I bought a qauter worth of weed for 100$, he have me an eight of Tahoe OG Kush and an eight of a different strain which I will tell you later. Name: Tahoe OG Kush Type: Hybrid (Sativa domi

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[HD] Beat Hazzard: Mt Eden DnB Hektic Harly Harl Remix – Over Dose [HD]


December 24, 2011


This game is absolutely perfect for someone who ever wondered what Drum and Bass or Dubstep would LOOK like. Also a good game to play in the dark or if you wanna trip out. Like, Comment, Subscribe, ENJOY! IGNORE_________________________________________________

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The Smacktalk Podcast Episode 7.02.


December 14, 2011


The fellas discuss hunting for diamonds in Snark’s ass, Chicken vs Egg answered and Sound displays a “Rainman” like knowledge of chickens and the egg producing process, goats doing parkour, Golden Eagle and the goat, Yellowstone Super Volcano

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VaderVision – Cannapocalypse Day 32


December 11, 2011


Another Daily Update for our Medical Marijuana Garden. Today we check in really quick and FIM the seedlings, so we can get um to bush out! Channel Link: Fallow Me @ Twitter !_! Lets be Friends ~_0

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Build a grow room and Grow Marijuana all year. 2 stage Indoor system. no addiction to big pharmacy –


December 10, 2011


Why support the pharmaceutics companies (Drug Dealers) when you can grow your own medicine that does the same thing as most of the pills they want to sell to you and get you LEGALLY addicted too Getting a quarter pound every two months! Using nothing but hardw

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4000 watt flower room day 2 of flowering


November 27, 2011


4000 watt room 10×10 space this shit is beging to look like a fucken jungle lol 2 week veg 2 day of flower any tips or a dive would be great thanks n keep it green nuutes an mother earth tea bloom/grow/great white/open seasame!!i will add bud candy like w

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November 22, 2011


medicating with cannabis – the only way that helps my anxiety. i’ve heard it all before “it’s bad for you, kills braincells, causes cancer..” etc, but the pros outweigh the cons. it makes me feel better, lifts my spirits, helps me

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Vegetation & Clonation Room


November 17, 2011


Discription of a small grow opperation. 48″x26″ Gorella Rack frame is sided with 1″ insulation. Store bought Flood & Drain 2×2 table; 8 or 10-gallon reservoir. 5″ cross ventilatin fans. 125 Watt CFL light. Table and ceiling is

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Easy Rider Marijuana and UFO’s YouTube


November 16, 2011


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Marijuana Grow Tube