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The Dr. Kamermans Chronicles Pt. I


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The Dr. Kamermans Chronicles Pt. IIn part one of this exclusive sit-down with Cannabis in Canada’s Jason Wilcox, Dr. Rob Kamermans, once known as “Canada’s top medical marijuana doctor,” disc…

10 comments on “The Dr. Kamermans Chronicles Pt. I

  1. FisherManStan88 on

    its disturbing to me how easily anti anxiety and sleeping aids are handed
    out by doctors like candy. recently lost a friend to a Xanax overdose while
    she was traveling on vacation, took them went to sleep and didn’t wake up.
    If I had to guess a Minimum of 50% of women are on some sort of anti
    anxiety, anti depressant, sleeping aid or just all around Uppers. all made
    from some of the most potent chemicals and drugs ever made, and this is now
    the Norm? its very very scary when you start to come to the realization of
    whats really happening here. oh ya but its still almost* impossible to get
    a medical license in Canada for ever serious disorders like cancer and
    seizures without spending a couple Thousand dollars in loss work time,
    travelling, appointments, somewhere to stay. all for a simple herb that
    should have no boundary for anyone and should grow just as freely in the
    garden like are carrots tomatoes and turnip. Wish more people would start
    waking up to the facts sooner than later. instead of looking at you like
    you have 2 heads when you even mention the word Cannabis and then feel as
    if you’ve done something wrong and have people looking at you like your
    some sort of crack head while They probably ingest opioids or worse on a
    daily basis without even knowing it. — Great Video Jason 

  2. blite13 on

    Why is the good Dr making that handsign @ 1:05? Is he showing us who he is
    affiliated with? I do not trust anyone who flashes that sign the way he is.
    Jason, I hope you are not working too much, your voice is sounding a little
    weak, take care and do your medicine and get your rest.

  3. Kenneth Surgent on

    My doctor is from BC, and I live in Ontario, so is this not hypocrisy.
    Ontario doctors are afraid of their own shadows. This is a good,
    ethical man and the charges need to be dropped immediately. The crooked
    cops can suck it!

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