May 25, 2011
Happy 420
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Marijuana Grow RoomsTags
12/12 400 attitude bank bong box bubblegummer bud buds c-99 cabniet cannabis cell cfl chesse chronic church dank diy double farm forest fox ganja garderning green grow growing gun gundam haze house housse hps hpsgreen hydro indica kbgrowkid kush legal magic marijuana medical ocean phones rcb repair rhino rip room runescape sativa secret seed seeds smokin soil stealth stoner tent tricks watt weed white widowRelated Videos
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Love ur vids and stuff like that:) ur hilarius,mean it all in a good way,like ur personality. grow on dude
for the clone I have learned that you should feed the clone by bottom feeding it so the misting on the leaves is fine but u should try to feed the clone from the bottom so that the roots will be searching for water n will find there way to the water which is what you want bro any ?’s on anything ill help u out on just message me or w.e. ok bro keep up the good work o idk why u have those spots on ur leaves for but I would guess its the ph of the water or something but thats my guess ok man peace
the arajen haze #1 gets big as hell i recomend getting a scrog or tamato cage