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Obama’s DEA Raided OVER 4 TIMES As Many Marijuana Dispensaries As Bush


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Obama's DEA Raided OVER 4 TIMES As Many Marijuana Dispensaries As Bush

3 comments on “Obama’s DEA Raided OVER 4 TIMES As Many Marijuana Dispensaries As Bush

  1. pfreddyp on

    Start an illegal war and kill over 100,000 civilians. Commit a war crime. Steal a billion dollars. Go ahead, you’re protected. Reveal a war crime or smoke a joint and the full weight of the planet will land on your shoulders. Fuck these criminals persecuting marijuana users. We are the Jews of the 21st century. Clearly, this society cannot function without a scapegoat to distract the people from the real crimes taking place and the criminals that act with impunity.

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