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Sean Hannity Vs. Weed (Drunken Peasants)


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Sean Hannity Vs. Weed (Drunken Peasants)Sean Hannity explores the dangers of pot with a panel of . . . experts? For more DP Action: SUPPORT MY CHANNEL! click here to subscribe –

20 comments on “Sean Hannity Vs. Weed (Drunken Peasants)

  1. Rusty Shackleford on

    It’s really hard not to get exasperated with Hannity, especially given how
    many Americans actually agree with this methods. My father for one. 

  2. Bogwedgle on

    These people have only ever been exposed to conservative media, and they
    swallow it up, they just rattle off things daddy told them like a fucking
    tape recorder, if they actually looked this up outside of conservopedia,
    they’d realise that pretty much everything they say is retarded.

  3. Bonaventure Wenceslaus on

    Talking about the people who smoke everyday and thus are genuinely addicted
    to it in this debate just like only talking about the people constantly
    drunk people in a alcohol debate.

    Also marijuana is atm a gateway drug, but so would caffeine be if that were

  4. Matteo Marcan on

    Why can’t we put all the people with IQ less than… say 100… on some
    fucking island and then nuke it? Or use them for medical experiments, or
    something like that.

  5. Pilli on

    When I last smoked weed I ran all the way back into town and went to a shop
    at the other end of town with my friends. I don’t normally get anything
    that you could call exercise very often so I was pretty motivated.
    Motivated to go buy some food from the store.

    Last time I got dunk I almost picked a fight with an Irish gypsy about how
    he has no right to tell this Polish guy working at the chip shop to get out
    of his country, I had to be walked out of there by a sober friend.

    All this crap about pot culture when we quite clearly have a booze culture
    here in the UK with people earning wages just to blow it all on 1 night out
    with booze. I want someone to actually go onto one of these shows and put
    up a good fight against his techniques.

  6. LifesApoem on

    11:57 I love how he states that marijuana use leads to alcohol then alcohol
    leads to cocaine…. no one caught that though (would of been the perfect
    opportunity to bring up why he isn’t against the current legalization of

  7. xAbominationx on

    Hannity and his dipshits are practicing the thing I probably hate more than
    anything. “The end’s justify the means”
    In this case what I mean is that they take the position that it’s okay to
    lie and make things up etc… so long as your “Noble goal” is achieved
    because it’s actually “for their own good” or it “has their best interests
    at heart.” I’ve always felt that I’m perfectly able to keep my own best
    interests at heart… And BTW, I don’t smoke pot or drink. That doesn’t
    mean I think it’ productive to keep it illegal.

  8. GirlDoesRant on

    Hannity pathetically relies on emotional arguments and cock-blocks any
    attempts at facts and statistics in favor of his “informed” opinion.

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