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Cartels Hang Mannequins from Billboards in Texas, Warn Cops to Choose Silver Over Lead!


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Cartels Hang Mannequins from Billboards in Texas, Warn Cops to Choose Silver Over Lead!Police in Texas have been left stumped by messages painted onto two billboards, alongside mannequins dressed in suits and hung from nooses. The messages, which were daubed in white paint on…

20 comments on “Cartels Hang Mannequins from Billboards in Texas, Warn Cops to Choose Silver Over Lead!

  1. Margo Singery on

    This administration has left our borders wide open, promoted the drug
    war/helped arm the cartels, legalizing pot and now we are having to deal
    with this real BS!! This man and his minions have GOT to go!! 

  2. Brave Heart on

    Thank God it was a “mannequin” and NOT a real person. The threats are
    real. No doubt. The message is clear. Scary world is getting scariER !

  3. unreALIENS on

    remember we armed them like we did the libyans and countless others. a
    young border patrol officer was killed by these weapons that have radio
    tracking technology so they can be reteived after the objective is
    complete. benghazi mexico usa?

  4. Jimmy in Mexico on

    Cartels tell the El Paso police to take silver or take lead. They have a
    mannequin hanged by the neck from a billboard sign along interstate 10. 

  5. Dtownbred83 on

    They got guns, Texans got guns. Lock and load Texans! This is exactly why
    we have the 2nd Amendment. No need to be scared of a bunch losers.

  6. Ristar85 on

    so… are they going to deploy the armed forces when there’s a legit threat
    from an external force on the *homeland*?

    anyway, it’s obvious that they’re talking about bankers/politicians. who
    wears a suit and takes money from the drug cartels?

  7. Linda Lalisan on

    Those signs are declaration of war against TEXAS. The state of texas vs.
    The drug cartel. The drug cartel messengers crossed the border to el paso
    to put up those signs. The drug carte lo just declared war against texas. I
    say, don’t mess with texas.

  8. J. Stephen Gazsi on

    With this crap bleeding over the border, it’s not only law enforcement, but
    businesses that this threat is directed to, and those business owners
    should be able to terminate any cartel member on site, no questions.
    Containment of these animals to mexico isn’t working, and now they are
    pulling this shit in this country?? NO. They don’t seem to get it that this
    isn’t mexico. Bastards.

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