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My Salvia Experience: Time Distortion, Realities, and Breaking Through the Void (1/3)


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My Salvia Experience: Time Distortion, Realities, and Breaking Through the Void (1/3)Part 1 of 3 video commentaries describing the salvia experiences I have had in as much detail as I can. My 3rd salvia trip filmed: https://

4 comments on “My Salvia Experience: Time Distortion, Realities, and Breaking Through the Void (1/3)

  1. EkaBismuth on

    I will say this, one time I took an alpha brain right before going to
    sleep, and without thinking I also finished off a GFuel, which one, if you
    don’t shake GFuel enough most of it sits at the bottom and two, caffeine
    allows you to hallucinate better and basically I fell asleep and had this
    vivid as fuck violent mash of a dream with dots of all colors everywhere
    and mosquitoes and butterflys and alligators and dinosaurs and some of the
    alligators were cut up into bloody pieces and there were these mysterious
    jelllike black things too and to say the least it scared the fuck out of me

  2. ogih Z7 on

    i believe there is so much science behind this and there is much that lies
    beyond the third dimension. for that reason i’m really interested in
    studying physics and astronomy and hopefully i’ll be able to change my
    major to that soon. i really hope i can make some scientific discoveries in
    my lifetime that have to do with space/time and whatever else there is to
    be found out. i think i have been called to do this after having such a
    profound experience somewhat similar to yours, thanks for sharing and i
    can’t wait to see more videos about these topics

  3. Erq on

    Seems like a really awesome and unique experience, I have been wanting to
    take psychedelics for a long time but i dont want to take them alone, i
    want to share the experience with someone, that’s my favourite part about
    drugs. But for some reason all my friends are SO afraid of them, specially
    of LSD, they think that if they take it their brain is gonna melt and they
    are gonna end up like Syd Barret or some shit. They dont fear other drugs,
    we take weed all the time, most of us have tried MDMA and some have even
    donde coke… but i swear they would try heroin before any psicodelic. What
    they fear the most is that they think that you dont have control over your
    body so i dont think any of them will change their mind.
    After watching your video the other day I mentioned salvia to some of them
    and thay said they knew someone that knew someone who took it and jump out
    the window lmao, one of them didn´t even belive its legal…I guess ill
    have to try salvia alone (with someone to control me just in case), ive
    read a pretty useful guide of how to take it rigth so it will be ok, btw
    did you take the X5 one?

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