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GrowYourMeds OMMP Medical Marijuana – Day 13 Flower

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just another update, did some upkeep on the grow and decided to show some film.

2 comments on “GrowYourMeds OMMP Medical Marijuana – Day 13 Flower

  1. GrowYourMedsOMMP on


    yea yea, happy about it too, took me almost a whole year to get to the point where I was able to find space to grow my medicine, And get all the things needed. It is a work in progress of course, as this is a brand new garden, but I am doing some things right it seems. I can’t wait until I can be well off enough to help others, thats the name of the game. I am not a cash cropper, never will be. I am happy to be producing a decent product while I figure things out.

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