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Salvia trip 35x times LIVED another life


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Salvia trip 35x times LIVED another lifeTHIS IS NO DRUG: my spirit left my human body & was another REAL being lived its whole life & even experienced the process of “death” I still remember it. PLEASE WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO IT’S…

8 comments on “Salvia trip 35x times LIVED another life

  1. God I.M on

    This is not a drug & no one watching this will ever understand that this
    was LITERALLY ANOTHER LIFE AS ANOTHER BEING not me hallucinated. As that
    other being it took part in helping its world making peace with each other
    I am proud of it had admittedly cried about it later in the day But it
    simply fused into my spirit & is with me even now, my happiness is its

  2. AxXLXxF on

    do you feel like you travel into a different dimension? so the soul has
    access to enter little holes in space or some sht like dat? idk how to
    explain. you believe in the pineal gland soul-body connection?

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