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Salvia Extracts Simulate Death


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Salvia Extracts Simulate DeathSalvia Divinorum extracts are VERY powerful and must be used CAREFULLY! The experience you have after smoking is VERY REAL and you may not be able to simply shrug it off as “only a …

6 comments on “Salvia Extracts Simulate Death

  1. eL3ctr1c4L on

    I also experienced death on psychedelics, but more death of ego sort of
    speak, because in that state, death had no meaning, it was insignificant, I
    couldn’t be dead of be killed, I just was an infinite awareness with
    infinite possibilities. I think this is what we really are, we can be or do
    anything we put our intention to, and it’s so happens that we’ve chosen
    this life on Earth for this particular moment. Who knows what we’ll do next

  2. elias hippie on

    Hypothetically speaking, if I live in a state where it is illegal, so would
    it be legal to purchase leaves our foliage? They have no effects and the
    law here says the salvia that makes you trip (extract) is illegal. So would
    it be legal for me to buy foliage and illegal to extract?

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