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Benefits of Fabric Pots (GeoPot at PNWGS Vendor Week)


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Benefits of Fabric Pots (GeoPot at PNWGS Vendor Week)In this video, the CinC crew cover Vendor Week (hosted by Pacific Northwest Garden Supply) where we get the lowdown on GEOPots. considering Jason Wilcox’s ex…

7 comments on “Benefits of Fabric Pots (GeoPot at PNWGS Vendor Week)

  1. dakotalayinlow on

    Ive tried many brands of fabric pots… and in my opinion, they all BLOW!
    whenever you move the plant, ALLLLLLLL those root tips rip out of the
    fabric and the entire medium moves around. If your plant is becoming
    root-bound in the pot you’re using, transplant it more often. If you want
    more air in your medium, add perlite or something similar.

  2. Cannabis In Canada on

    In this video the CinC crew cover “Vendor Week” hosted by Pacific Northwest
    Garden Supply where we get the low don on GEO Pots.

    Jason has used and covered GEO Pots in the past thus we brought you the
    message from the company Rep. 

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